Before we go any further, I must clear your mind of all knowledge of Rebecca Black’s “Friday”. Just relax and let Mentok dig it out. Roundup after the jump.
Microsoft is blowing minds, creating 3D models with cell phones. Peep it
Gizmodo goes chasing after vapors
Ford is riding AT&T like a bronco, into the cloud
NO, REALLY? Microsoft doing things to make itself look better? Say it ain’t so…
Awww, poor little AT&T won’t get a fair airing in its buyout of T-Mobile. The powers that be seem to have a crazy idea that it’s a bad idea. Of course, this could all be part of the plan
Mouse sperm successfully grown in lab… Feminists around the world rejoice, men deemed unnecessary
Lest ye forget, evolution is war, and far more entertaining than your human clashes
GeoHot oh GeoHot, where for art thou GeoHot… oh, vacation? Not on the lam? Carry on then
Android apps on RIM gear? I wish I cared, but I stopped buying RIM gear years ago
We can rebuild him… maybe… he’s kinda badly damaged, but gosh darn it we’ll try
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