Good techie NSFW Randomness on the house. The usual suspects, the usual subjects, and penis jokes.
Podcast: Play in new window
- Google’s self-driving cars:,
- Initial WP7 thoughts
- Any specific WP7 phones catching your eye? Planning on switching soon?
- /facealm of the week: Apple’s sexting crackdown that teaches you Spanish:
- Predictions for Mac OSX 10.7/ Announced Mac Event Predictions
- Ubuntu 10.10 thoughts, if anyone used it or tried it
- Sony’s GoogleTV
- iPad and Verizon
- If you were a Chilean miner, what story would you make up to give yourself more publicity?
- Top Jason Chen’s singing by performing a few verses /facealm of the week:
- Predictions for Mac OSX 10.7
- Ubuntu 10.10 thoughts, if anyone used it or tried it
- Sony’s GoogleTV
- Possible Mac Event drunkmodo drinking game rules/ reasons to drink/ i hope you guys know what i mean(hypothetical, of course)
- Pussy City Pimps (game)
- iPads to be sold by Verizon. Possible more credence to Verizon iPhone?
- and how stupid Nokia and it’s users are and this is why it’s failing.
- A rundown of info and perhaps review of the windows phone 7 releases. The different phones, some of the stats, what we think could happen, how do we feel now that we’ve seen the lineup?