Episode 6 – Auto Tech

November 14th Topic List (Special Auto-tech edition?)

Roster: Konfiglio “Steven Callas” Rumplemeyer; KevlarMenace’s balls (T-Bone?); Adam “Highmileage” Barrera; Ray “Gonzorider” Schneider; Michael “Vitto #9” Pitts; Robert “Kaisermachead” Alicea.

  1. iPhone/Smartphone integration in modern autos. Would you use it? What options are available?
    1. After reading http://www.autoblog.com/2010/11/08/bmw-replacing-placards-with-ipads-at-auto-shows/ I began to wonder, how far has iPod/iPhone integration come as a stock feature in cars? Experiences? Drawbacks? Third party options?
  2. How much further can “hazard aware” cars go before people forget that common sense is the biggest part of driving?
    1. Parking Sensors, blind spot monitors, rear-view cameras, adaptive cruise control. Cars are becoming more and more automated. Are we phasing out the human element out of driving? Are we putting too much faith in technology? With reports of GPS systems telling people to drive off a cliff into a lake as a shortcut, this raises valid concerns.
    2. failing Volvo collision avoidance: http://newslite.tv/2010/05/12/volvo-collision-avoidance-syst.html
  3. Callas talks about his results with Clear 4G USB and give details on test results. Is it worth it? etc.
  4. Random topic that Gonzo doesn’t care about
  5. How Kinect will evolve from just gaming to be integrated in phones, cars, etc. http://kotaku.com/5682793/the-future-of-kinect-how-microsoft-plans-to-put-a-video-game-controller-in-everything (What, you hold your hand out like you’re pretending to steer a car and it steers the car?)
  6. We ran out of time last podcast, but the Dell Inspiron Duo is pretty fucking sweet not to talk about http://www.engadget.com/2010/11/04/dell-inspiron-duo-flips-its-lid-on-official-video/
  7. We will see more WP7 devices in the wild (assuming it doesnt pull a Kin) – discuss
    1. Kevlar- My contract is up in January. Should I be an early adopter?
  8. Android 2.3 Gingerbread might hit dev phones by the time this podcast is recorded. I’m sure we’ll get all the details by then. NOPE, IT DIDN’T.
  9. Hyundai Equus’ came with an iPad for a limited time. The ipad had scheduled maintenance reminders
    1. http://www.usatoday.com/money/autos/2010-04-02-ipadhyundai02_ST_N.htm
      1. Does this help both markets?
      2. “”Many will respond positively to the inclusion of an iPad, not because they needed or planned to buy one, but simply because it is topical and cool,” Matthies says”
      3. My mom got a free Cell Phone in 1992 when she bought a new Accord. One of the gigantic motorola brick shithouses.
  10. I would never use FloTV because I’m convinced it just shows videos of women on their periods.
  11. Fuel Cells were all the talk a few years back. Yet they’ve yet to hit the market in any usable form. Is it not ready yet or are we experiencing another “Who Killed The Electric Car?” scenario http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_Killed_the_Electric_Car
    1. I think they are being passed up for Plug-in Electric Cars. Cheaper and easier. Also more topical. “New/Big” sells better than “smart” in any market in the US.
  12. Gran Turismo 6 is already in development. It will be out in time for your great grandkids to play it: http://www.denofgeek.com/games/671130/gran_turismo_5_release_date_appears_gran_turismo_6_already_in_development.html
  13. Grand Turismo 5 November 24th release date, but it’s sort of become notorious for jerking people around and not releasing on time: http://kotaku.com/5688346/gran-turismo-5-has-a-release-date-for-reals-really-reals-seriously
  14. Somebody published something in PNAS. Lol. http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2010/11/understanding-the-other-race-effect.ars?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rss
  15. That crazy Taiwanese news site that does the crazy animations we talked about a while back apparently does weather forecasts, too. I’ve watched a few of them but I haven’t seen any weather. http://www.nma.tv/category/weather-girls/
  16. This week in douche: Are cash stacks in cars the new “20 inch, spinners” for the needlessly rich? http://jalopnik.com/5685721/cars-full-of-cash-is-next-obnoxious-trend
  17. Not really a “topic” but Top Gear is many flavors of win: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e7R3y-qwZ0
  18. Since Kevlar and Adam will be together on this episode, I DEMAND A T-BONE SKIT.
  19. What should we expect out of the LA auto show?
  20. Japanese 8 wheeled car http://telstarlogistics.typepad.com/telstarlogistics/2009/01/japanese-electric-car-has-eight-weels-big-ambitions.html
  21. Ford Fiesta Commerical
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