Episode 10 – Poonshiners

Episode 10 Topic List – ”The Game Episode”

Date: 12/12/2010 at 8EST

Roster: Special Guest Tim Buckley, Regulars: Steven Callas, Vitto #9, Kevlar Menace, Gonzorider, Rontourage  USE BIT.LY!! or other link shortening services to track clicks from twitter, etc. Now you can email us at the.noisecast@gmail.com

  1. Cataclysm: http://bit.ly/edjB7i
  2. VGA game reveals http://bit.ly/f8gkmJ
  3. Official Thor trailer drops. Thoughts?
    http://bit.ly/fs7C7Z unoffical leaked extended trailer http://bit.ly/eMGV2o
  4. A look at Gingerbread and the Nexus S
  5. Wal-mart wants to install wine vending machines, but they have a public Breathalyzer that you have to use to purchase…ew DEALBREAKER! #drunkmodo
  6. Weird not tech related news of the week: Wife bites off husbands tongue when he tries to kiss her while she’s on the shitter. …What?
  7. A no brainer topic: SpaceX successful launch
  8. This next year will be kickass in terms of phone power http://bit.ly/fLUobQ
    1. Where the fuck is our matching battery tech?
      1. pedal powered phones
  9. Tech Predictions http://bit.ly/dK9U0w
  10. Our favorite Taiwanese news animators have their take on the Wikileaks situation. Complete with mirror factories, Canadians with rocket launchers and nuclear weapons.
  11. Thinking about switching ISPs? You may not get better service.
  12. The Broadband is a lie.
  13. Kin studio closing. The only feature on the kin worth a damn and that should have been on WP7. Okay guys, I’m for reals for reals this time, the Kin is dead: http://engt.co/hhCr5s
  14. I’m a believer, the best thing on the web since sliced bread is the new Chrome Web Store and it makes a case for the Chrome OS: http://engt.co/fzm4yr
  15. Google unveils the CR-48: http://engt.co/gU99H7 , impressions of it: http://engt.co/gJtnQO how to sign up for the pilot program (until Dec. 21st): http://bit.ly/fBg3H9 Already signed up? Here’s how to see if any are headed to you city/zip code: http://bit.ly/h67O6O
  16. Spike VGA Roundup: http://tinyurl.com/2w8fah7
  17. Arnold Schwarzenegger sings Total Recalling: http://youtu.be/QuKukG1VPVo
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