By now you would think that the Nigerian internet scammers are so well known that it would be hard to find someone to take their bait. But those scammers are well versed in the old adage “patience is a virtue.” A Naperville, IL man had his hopes and dreams (and bank account) crushed after he found out that a two and a half year online relationship was nothing more than a not-so-elaborate ploy. The 48 year old man was approached online by a woman claiming to have been kidnapped in London and that she needed his help in rescuing her. The woman apparently sent him an image of her Florida drivers license to validate her identity, but that image was nothing more than a picture of an invalid sample ID. Over the last couple of years the man had wired money to various bank accounts in Nigeria, Malaysia, England, and the United States. So how much money did he end up wiring over the course of the scam? A brisk $200,000. Hey, I guess money is no object when you’re in love, right?
Source: Chicago Sun-Times
That's… not a big payday. For an operation that long, that's pretty average.
I mean… not that I would know or anything… *cough*
So that's how Agrippa funds the site…