Just a friendly reminder to our listeners. During the updates to The Noisecast and its transformation from The #Whitenoise Podcast to The Noisecast, we changed the source feed. iTunes, in its infinite wisdom doesn’t allow you to change the feed of a podcast already in its system. You have to resubmit it. So we did and there are now 2 The Noisecasts on iTunes. We continued to update both feeds for a few weeks, to catch any stragglers while changing all our links to show the new feed. Today we stopped updating both and judging from the number of complaints, we did not do an adequate job of alerting people to the change. Our sincerest apologies for that oversight. So here are the changes.
The New Feedburner address: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheNoisecast
The Source link to resubscribe to the feed in iTunes is: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-noisecast/id412308702
It’s been brought to my attention by the one Zune user there is that it is having issues with the new feed, so we will keep the old feed active until we solve the issues with Zune. That means, your zune subscriptions should be working again, but everyone else please update your subscriptions and we will let the Zune users know when it’s time to switch.
As further explanation: We could have changed the feed details but it would have made the feed go dead in iTunes for all the episodes that went before. The entire act of creating a new feed was meant to ensure that all the old episodes could be easily reached. We now know a much cleaner and more efficient way to do things and should we need to again, it won’t be this messy.
Once again, we apologize.
What up Nick Denton. ;)
– Agrippa
AHAHA! Zune!!
It's all your fault. :) I was happy to get it working via Feedburner on my Android through Google Listen. Thanks for fixing and explaining.