The LG Optimus Prime 3D has debut at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and it made quite a splash. As it took the stage it gracefully walked over the the iPhone 4, looked at its 512MB of RAM, pulled down its pants, and gave the iPhone a swift smack across the cheek with its dick. Behold! A phone that packs 4GB of DDR2 memory, a 4.3 inch glasses-free 3D LCD capacitive display, and HDMI-out with support for 3D! Not a fan of 3D? Well fuck you, it’s the future! But for all of you non-believers out there, the display and camera need not capture and display in 3D if thou dost not liketh.The 5 megapixel dual-lens camera can capture in lowly two dimension as well, with full 1080p @ 24fps and 720p @ 30fps if you opt for moar Ds. Packing a dual-core 1Ghz Texas Instruments OMAP4 processor and an 8GB microSD card (expandable to 32GB) in a 11.9 mm thick and 168 gram body, this little beastie will come stocked with Android 2.2 Froyo for the time being as a Gingerbread rollout will come shortly thereafter.
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