Capcom Cares: Donation and Street Fighter 4 Sales

Needless to say the catastrophic events that have occurred in Japan have reminded us all just how fragile life is. Despite the tremendous damage and carnage we’ve seen, many individuals, non-profits, and companies have stepped up and are offering what they can to help.

To that end, Capcom, who’s main offices are in Osaka and Tokyo, have pledge to donate US$1.2 M to local relief efforts as well as all sales of the Street Fighter 4 iOS app from 3/15/11 – 3/22/11. Full post from Capcom after the jump.

Thank you to everyone who has sent inquiries and wished us well during this crisis. We want to reiterate that all of our employees in the Osaka and Toyko regions are safe and well, and we thank everyone for their support.

In response to recent events, Capcom will immediately donate 100 million yen to help victims of the earthquake and communities recover from this tragedy.

For one week from today, March 15, Street Fighter IV on iPhone will be available for 99cents/115yen, and all sales of the title during this period will be donated to support earthquake relief activities.

Capcom will also suspend operations or shorten operating hours as necessary at amusement arcades and other business sites that are located in areas served by Tohoku Electric Power and Tokyo Electric Power. In addition, Capcom will refrain from holding special events.

Again, thanks to everyone who has supported Japan during this difficult time, and please help to spread the news about relief efforts.

Source: Capcom Unity

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