Episode 22 of the podcast – Hang in There, Japan

It’s that time of the week again, the new episode of the podcast. First off, our thoughts go out to the people of Japan and our middle finger goes out to the people invoking Pearl harbor and other dumb things like that. We indulge in our usual fun and banter. Topics include the iPad 2, Kinect, Rontourage cutting in and out, breaking news from 1998, etc. Listen to the podcast here.

Topic list after the jump.

Episode 22 Topic list.
Date: 3/13/2011, Time: 8 EST
Roster: Steven Callas, Rontourage, Gonzorider, Vitto, Ben, Kevlar

  1. Sony shakeup. Will it help? Too little too late?: http://bit.ly/gNvWA3
  2. Twitter tells 3rd party devs FUCK YOOOOOUUUU http://bit.ly/fToHqw
  3. Engadget top editors Topolsky and Patel resign from AOL http://bit.ly/f6KQG2
    1. Why AOL Was So Desperate to Hook Up With Huffington Post http://t.co/IQ0pGjM
  4. iPad sales and hype vs competition: http://t.co/qil8FFr
  5. Tembo Trunks: Collapsible, Power-Free Rubber Earbud Speakers http://t.co/AbrQPRt
  6. This topic list is not #winning – Your face is #notwinning
  7. Quite honestly this week absolutely sucked in news. – This may be true, but your face
  8. NL: ‘Moving to open source would save government one to four billion’  http://bit.ly/hHph57
  9. Dear gadget makers: can we get matte displays back? Thx. Love, Steven. – Steven’s face is matte
  10. There’s really nothing of interest in news this week. I’m seriously looking through all the backlog of this week. This was one shitty news week. I know what you mean… this week was blah. -This week, news in it, your face… wait, I said that… yeah, my face.
  11. Does this count as dividing by zero?: http://bit.ly/hZzLmY
  12. 10 million Kinects sold in record time. Faster than both iPhone and iPad. Plus hardware sales jumped while software fell in February. Kinect is said to be the leading reason: http://bit.ly/fpRnTc
  13. What the fuck, America? Still trying to outsource our retarded laws to other countries despite the defeat of ACTA. Introducing the evil son of ACTA: http://bit.ly/hwKReC
  14. Want More Creepy Strangers to Approach You? Use This App http://t.co/ILbC3t2
  15. Bill Gates explains Terrapower http://t.co/XgiL6xZ (VIDEO)
  16. Bipartisan support for internet privacy: http://bit.ly/eAdro1
  17. With all the talk about walled gardens and Apple tyrants, why is everyone mum about Google’s (albeit good) attempt to remotely disable shifty apps? They can theoretically decide they don’t want you to have it and remove or disable it. No one cares?
  18. Illinois now being run by the clinically insane? Or is Amazon overreacting… wait, what am I saying. Forcing people to estimate how much they spent and pay back taxes on that. I would like to unsubscribe from Illinois’ newsletter: http://bit.ly/dUUzc9
  19. Is Google’s Crisis Team karma points for its privacy ethics?
  20. Reports of Pokemon creator’s death are greatly exaggerated: http://bit.ly/g7XwRl
  21. Is iPad 2 Carrier unlocked? http://bit.ly/gXbsfQ
  22. WTF News: Miniature marmoset makes merry in mother’s mammaries at municipal meeting: http://bit.ly/fIOdQG


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