If you had just a sliver of hope that Redmondpoo would give Symbian and MeeGo another chance, consider that sliver crushed for good. Qt (pronounced cute) was a development framework that allowed the creation of applications not only on Symbian, but a variety of other web-based platforms as well. Qt was originally developed by Trolltech but Nokia bought them in 2008 for $153 million and dished out the first Qt APIs in September 2010. Digia is a Finnish software company that focuses on mobile apps and enterprise systems with over 1,500 employees worldwide. The amount it bought Qt for has not been disclosed. Digia plans to tack on 19 people from Nokia’s Qt team to its workforce is in the process of opening up its first offices in Norway and the U.S. The good news about Qt is that Digia plans to develop it further so all that development by third parties has not gone to waste.
Source: VentureBeat
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