Episode 32 of the podcast: Kidney Sales and Scrotum Shots

Alright, we’re in for another episode of the podcast. I won’t beat around the bush. It was a fun and lively episode with rich and well argued topics. You know you love it. So check out the show notes after the jump, but you can listen to the podcast here:

Episode 32 Topic List
Date: Jun 6, 2011. Time: 8EST
Roster: Steven, Gonzo, Ben, Vitto

  1. Eric Schmidt screwed up on social networking http://bit.ly/lieNyM
  2. Twitter seems like it’s trying to entice website traffic http://bit.ly/ig9Bfe <fucking genious wrote this article
  3. Obvious Research is Obvious: People enjoy free entertainment. Interesting article about how the internet has changed what people are willing to pay for. http://bit.ly/jGKLW8
  4. TN passes law http://bit.ly/jO1QTD
  5. A Smartphone Stalemate in the States – AllThingsD http://bit.ly/l2pXVA
  6. Sony hacked again:: http://bit.ly/j0zs3q ((Developing story for now. let’s see what happens by Sunday))
  7. MI6 hacks terrorist website http://bit.ly/jwSN0R
  8. Male birth control said to last as little as 10 years. (Special thanks to Imapcgirl a.k.a. Erin Flanagan) http://bit.ly/jz7bfn
  9. Windows 8 first look http://bit.ly/lJKOT5
  10. Google to abandon older browsers – http://bbc.in/mJuoAn
  11. So, who is in the wrong? The Oatmeal vs. FunnyJunk: webcomic copyright fight gets personal: http://bit.ly/jZSCjL
  12. Ben’s quick app suggestion: Photosynth for iOS http://bit.ly/iEZAow (sample: http://bit.ly/juNDHA) 8===D Yes, I use this app to take pictures of my junk. Because I need to use huge panoramas to make it fit in the frame.


WTF! News

  1. Horse herpes outbreak forces rodeo queens to ride stick ponies” http://bit.ly/kyCWTZ
  2. Teen sells his Kidney for an iPad2:: http://cnet.co/mhlqtU
  3. Teen’s dad spends school year waving at bus, embarrassing son  http://t.co/sKkgSTk
  4. Florida Man Breaks into women’s homes to rub their feet. http://sunsent.nl/l8r9hz
  5. Florida Subway Employee slips weed to patrons who ask for “extra meat” http://sunsent.nl/kLMVSL


((i’m starting to think you guys are LOOKING for Florida news each week ;) – Marian)) 

3 thoughts on “Episode 32 of the podcast: Kidney Sales and Scrotum Shots”

  1. We don’t have to look for it Marian. It seems like Florida’s citizens are more than happy to serve up tasty new morsels of what-the-fuckery on a constant basis. :D

    1. It goes back to the tree analogy, WTF news happens everywhere, but they bountiful in floriduh and much easier to find.  

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