GameStop REALLY hates OnLive


Yesterday, the internet found out that the regular PC version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution included a coupon to try out OnLive’s streaming service – a coupon that GameStop decided to remove from boxes they were selling. Today, GameStop kicked it up a notch and is now flat out removing the regular edition from their shelves.

“At this time please pull all Regular PC editions of Deus Ex: Human Revolution and place them in your backroom. These will be recalled at a later date.
As GameStop is developing a streaming service in our Spawn Labs Cloud Computing Division, the coupon that was included is for a competing service. We are returning all copies of the PC regular edition to the vendor in agreement with Square Enix.”

Sure, GameStop is trying to protect their streaming service and I’m sure someone will sign up for it, but as far as I’m concerned once you open that box it’s no longer a new game. My suggestion – buy it on Steam or hell, give OnLive a spin.

Source: Giant Bomb

7 thoughts on “GameStop REALLY hates OnLive”

    1. Unrelated to the post, but you have reminded me of this:

      You’re welcome.

      On topic: This is a shitty thing to do. Granted, I’m not exactly convinced that a retailer needs to sell competitor’s products, but screwing with unopened products you sell to consumers is not ok. It’s like AT&T pulling the charger out of a phone’s box so they can sell their own chargers.

      Shit. I’ve given them more ideas.

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