Kindle book loans now available at over 11,000 libraries

You all know how I feel about e-books [I love them, but I love paper as well]. Not everyone agrees, but I think we can agree on one thing: loaning ebooks on the Kindle is a great way to keep local libraries relevant. Today Amazon has come to agreement with over 11,000 libraries in the United States to allow them to offer digital loans of popular ebooks.

Users can navigate to their local library’s web page and browse offerings. Once they’ve made a selection, they use a valid library ID to send the checkout over to Amazon, where the loan is finalized. Not only do you get the book delivered electronically (Whispersync is supported) but you can also utilize the loan as if it were your own book. You can make notations, highlight and bookmark your copy, all of which is saved even when you return the book. If you ever happen to check out that book again, all of your notes will be waiting for you.

The technology isn’t limited to only users with Kindle devices, however. Any Kindle app (WP7, iOS, Blackberry, PC, etc) is fair game for reading your borrowed book.  So check out your local library for information, or head over to Amazon’s information page. Maybe Agrippa will finally publish that book of his.

Source: eweek

4 thoughts on “Kindle book loans now available at over 11,000 libraries”

  1. Pingback: Amazon Kindle Owners Lending Library: Free Books, Yo! | The Noisecast

  2. Are their any online shops where they offer loans for kindle books? I am a huge fan of kindle books these days and I never knew that kindle books can also be loaned. How many months is the repayment for a kindle book loan? Are their any interest fee if I am overdue on the loan?

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