Aahhh, there’s nothing like the smell of fire in a library. We’re burning all the books. We’re burning them because it’s cold and it’s dark, and there’s nothing better than curling up in front of a warm fire with a cup of tea, reading your Kindle. Oh, who am I kidding. There’s one thing better. Paying next to nothing for it and getting to watch movies or listen to music or play games and check your email. But don’t take my word for it. Let’s get on with the roundup, shall we?
- This is Not a Fight Between Kindle And IPad. Now STFU.
As you know by now, Amazon revealed the worst kept secret ever today. No seriously, a worse secret than the iPad. Wait a minute… this IS a Kindle vs iPad fight! A battle to discover who keeps a secret the worst. By the way, Kindle really is not an iPad killer. it’s a Nook Color killer. Poor little Nook. - Samsung and Microsoft Reach A Royalty Deal Over Android Patents.
The deal goes beyond that and includes a WP7 marketing deal. This makes 2 of the top three Android OEMs paying Microsoft royalties. Just to put it in context, HTC and Samsung represent nearly 50% of all Android sales. This is huge. Google is calling them out about it, and also crying. However, Google is also a childish company that walks into a serious bid playing numbers games. Get your head in the game, Google. - Will Microsoft Get Royalties From Amazon Kindle Fire?
Of course the previous article leads to the question, will Microsoft get Royalties from Amazon? Microsoft currently has a deal with them but it doesn’t cover Android. The original Kindle runs on a Linux and toe touches some of Microsoft’s patents. The deal seems to be amicable enough. However, it looks like there may be a return to the table for both parties. - By The Way, Amazon Has Gone From 90,000 Ebooks To Over A Million In Four Years.
Amazon’s on fire today… *rimshot* Four years ago when this journey began, they only had 90,000 Ebooks. Now let’s be clear, when Amazon quotes how many titles it has, it doesn’t include public domain works. Public domain works number in the hundreds of thousands. So in reality, they actually had access to almost half a million books. but in Kindle books alone, it was just 90,000. That was four years ago. Today, they have over a million titles. After a number of false starts, it looks like the e-revolution and the death of the paper tyranny is finally beginning. The battle will tear families apart… or not. Whatevs. - Amazon Is An Insatiable Beast. Let’s Draw It.
Not really news. I just had an Amazon quota and liked the infographic. - AT&T Users More Likely To Be Satisfied Than Users On Other Carriers.
This must be what going crazy feels like… - 41% Of Mobile Users In North America Plan To Buy An IPhone 5, Study Suggests.
The Other 59 percent are happy with the iPhone 4.
So what is this Kindle Fire? How much is it? Glad you asked. Peep it.
You might say that the tech world is ablaze with talk of the new Kindles.