Episode 52 – Crazy and Probably a Little Dumb

Sorry guys, I’m a terrible person. I wanted this episode to go up on time for once, but it’s been a hectic week. My apologies. In any case, show notes after the jump.

Episode 52 Topic List
Date: 11/6/2011, Time: 8EST
Roster: Kevlar, Gonzo, Agrippa, Ben


  1. No Shave November contest! http://bit.ly/txGxPw
  2. Microsoft Lowers Hardware requirements http://bit.ly/vBP2gf
  3. ChevronWP7 Labs is now available: http://bit.ly/v93q5k
  4. Amazon Loans books for free now: http://bit.ly/t4MyAo
  5. GTAV is on its way http://bit.ly/snzHX1
  6. Republic Wireless is coming: http://bit.ly/sme8nR
  7. Apple moving away from Google Maps? http://bit.ly/t1qgAc? http://engt.co/uI4OeJ
  8. New congressional bill limits freedom online http://bit.ly/tCey43
  9. AOL still has dialup subscribers, and a lot of them! http://read.bi/tAFow1


  1. T&A on iPhone cases http://bit.ly/vp9I9n
  2. Florida Woman tells police to arrest her mailbox http://bit.ly/srkqeZZZZZZh
  3. Woman burns house down for de-friending her on FB http://bit.ly/rpRxHr
  4. Teacher packs a lunch of 2 beers and plums. http://bit.ly/sCkBMR
  5. Man Steals Sandwich, Uses Stolen Forklift As Getaway http://cbsloc.al/u1mft3
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