Apple’s rumored 128GB iPad is real

If you were thinking that Apple’s next iPad keynote was going to bring an extra-large option as it’s next flagship device, consider yourself disappointed. Today Apple confirmed the existence of a 128GB iPad.

It looks like the rumors from 9-to-5 Mac were spot on with regards to the bump in storage as well as the pricing – a WiFi only model will set you back 8-bills ($799) and a WiFi + Cellular model is expected to retail at $929. It’s not cheap by a long shot.
With the additional storage available, Apple is angling to position the iPad as not just a consumption device but instead open up the possibility for content creators. Apple’s hoping to spark more enterprise interest by name dropping some high-end app players for business apps like AutoCAD and music production software from the likes of Auria.

Though Apple may be hoping to entice seasoned pros,there is no implication that Apple is hoping to replace pros’ existing tools with an iPad (which quite frankly is silly at this point). Are you a multimedia pro or designer; think an iPad will be your next screen? Is it too soon? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Apple

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